Last Name First Name Major Class Adviser(s) Proposal Title Fund
Avent Kaila ANT 2024 Ryo Morimoto Seeds as Possibility: Rethinking Knowledge, Kinship, and Resilience Amid Climate Crisis HMEI
Baidoo Kojo EEB 2024 Mary (Cassie) Stoddard Foraging Behavior of Broad-tailed Hummingbirds in the Rocky Mountains:
Sex Differences, Floral Abundance, and Visual Ecology
Burton Casey EEB 2024 Rob Pringle Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Responses to Fire, Herbivory, and Seasonal Flooding in Savannas HMEI
Chauncey-Heine Alex EEB 2024 Shane Campbell-Staton Flapping in the Storm: Exploring Tradeoffs between Dewlaps and Hurricane Adaptation in Anolis sagrei HMEI
Choi Mirae EEB 2024 Bryan Grenfell Intra-host HIV-1 Evolutionary Dynamics in Antiretroviral Therapy-experienced People: A Systematic Review of Longitudinal Clinical Studies HMEI
Duncan Daniel EEB 2024 Simon Levin Urban Agriculture: Opportunities and Challenges for Sustainable Food Systems HMEI
Garrett Catherine EEB 2024 Christina Riehl Conserving Corals: The Effect of Manganese and Zinc on Orbicella faveolata Recovery and Resilience to Stress HMEI
Gottfried Julian EEB 2024 Bridgett vonHoldt Single-cell Exploration for Improved Pinniped Healthcare HMEI
Gotts Max EEB 2024 Stephen Pacala Heterogeneous Adaptation and Bioacoustic Speciation in a Poison-dart Frog Becky Colvin Memorial Award/HMEI
Green Kelvin CEE  2024 Z. Jason Ren;
Howard Stone
Towards Continuous Flow Microfluidics for Selective Lithium Recovery HMEI
Hartley James ARC  2024 Christine Boyer Transit City Development: Japan’s Advanced Approach to Train Station Design HMEI
Jordan Eva CEE  2024 Amilcare Porporato Modeling Mangrove Establishment with Ocean Wave Energy as a Critical Limiting Mechanism to Seedling Survival HMEI
Kaplan Jordan EEB  2024 Simon Levin The Influence of Treatment and Location on Arthropod Distribution and Crop Yield in Minimum Tillage Farms in Israel HMEI
Kennedy Mae EEB  2024 Lars Hedin Commercial Pine Invasion of South African Fynbos: A Belowground Perspective Becky Colvin Memorial Award/HMEI
Kim Alexander MAE  2024 Forrest Meggers Beyond the Thermostat: A Tripartite Investigation of Convective and Radiant Heat Transfer in Building Systems HMEI
Lausted Madeleine EEB  2024 Shane Campbell-Staton Investigating Craniofacial Abnormalities in Tuskless Elephants: A Geometric Morphometric Approach HMEI
Lemay Amélie CEE  2024 Ian Bourg PFAS Form Lateral and Longitudinal Interactions at the Water-air Interface HMEI
Lupo Aria EEB  2024 Julien Ayroles; Celeste Nelson Stress Ball Morphogenesis in the Lungs of Gecko Lizards HMEI
Lydon Jasper SPIA  2024 Anastasia Mann Grass-Roof Homes as Grassroots Hubs:
Intentional Communities on the Frontlines of Sustainability Policy in the United States and Canada
Max Fiona SOC  2024 Benjamin Bradlow Ugler I Mosen: Demand-Side Climate Initiatives in a Petro-state HMEI
McArthur Colby EEB  2024 Bridgett vonHoldt DNA Methylation and Hibernation Timing in Yellow-Bellied Marmots Becky Colvin Memorial Award/HMEI
Morris Jahir EEB  2024 Sarah Kocher; Michelle White Developing Tools for Species-Level Identification: Computer Vision Enables Rapid Identification of Wild Bee Species Using Wing Venation HMEI
Salama Michael HIS  2024 Isadora Mota Fluid Identities: Historical Political Hydrology of the Urus of Lake Poopó HMEI
Simone Daniel ECE  2024 Minjie Chen; Sharad Malik Design of a Universal Compact Low Voltage Vehicle Control Unit for Formula Electric Vehicles HMEI
Ugwonali Chioma EEB  2024 Andy Dobson A Comparison between Ambient Nitrogen Dioxide Concentration and COVID-19 Mortality across the United States HMEI
Umbriac Kristen MAE  2024 Luigi Martinelli; Kim Williams-Guillén The InvestEggator: A GPS-Enabled Replica Sea Turtle Egg for Tracking Central American Poachers HMEI
White Marquez EEB  2024 David Wilcove Marvels of Manatee Rehabilitation: Factors Influencing Rehabilitation Outcomes of Amazonian Manatees HMEI
Yupangui Yupa Jessenia EEB  2024 Rob Pringle Co-occurrence of Mesopredators at Carcass Sites in Gorongosa National Park HMEI