Last Name First Name Major Class Adviser Proposal Title Fund
Ahearn Devon WWS 2009 Melissa
A Seat at the Table: Participation and the Effectiveness of Environmental Justice Policy Hayes
Dillon Alexander EEB 2009 Stephen W. Pacala Effects of Ocean Acidification and Increased Temperature on the Settlement and Early Development of Two Atlantic Corals Hayes
Konialian Michael MAE 2009 Robert H. Socolow The Promise of Oxy Fuels CCS Technology Energy
Lagomarsino Raymond GEO 2009 Gregory
van der Vink
Evaluating the Haynesville Black Shale Resource Play Hayes
Morales Laura EEB 2009 Daniel Sigman Diatom-Bound Nitrogen as a Tool to Study Marine Nitrogen Cycling: Methods and Applications to the Bering Sea Shelf Energy
Palmer Jennifer ECO 2009 Smita Brunnermeier The Unintended Consequences of Environmental Regulation: An Empirical Analysis of the Changing Structure of the United States Dairy Industry  Anonymous
Schwab Ruth EEB 2009 Stuart Altmann From Wild Apples to Modern Cultivars: Chemical Profile Changes of Sugars, Acids, and Phenolics Over Selective Time Colvin
Seidenfeld Justin CEE 2009 Peter Jaffe NEWwater vs. SingSpring: A Cost Benefit Analysis of Singapore’s Water Production Systems Hayes
Smith Mark EEB 2009 Stephen W. Pacala, Charles Dismukes Hydrogen Fermentation in the Cyanobacteria Arthrospira Maxima Walbridge
Staude Holger ECO 2009 H. Farber The Impact of the Clean Air Interstate Rule of 2005 on Electric Utilities: Evidence from the Stock Market Anonymous
Weiss Robert WWS 2009 Denise Mauzerall Towards U.S.-China Cooperation on Climate Change Mitigation: Overcoming Political, Economic, Energy and Trade Obstacle Stroh
Williams Allison EEB 2009 Jeanne Altmann The Role of Environmental and Social Variables in the Risk of Developing White Monkey Syndrome in Yellow Baboons Development