Last Name First Name Major Class Adviser Proposal Title Fund
Calimag Jenseric EEB 2023 Julien Ayroles Studying the Impact of Water Insecurity and Health Biomarkers in the Turkana Community Environmental Scholars/HMEI
Chang Darcy EEB 2023 Mary (Cassie) Stoddard Foraging Behavior of Broad-tailed Hummingbirds in the Rocky Mountains:
Sex Differences, Floral Abundance, and Visual Ecology
Becky Colvin Memorial Award/HMEI
Chao Matthew  EEB 2023 Andy Dobson Helminth Parasites in Ruminants of Yellowstone National Park and Brucellosis Coinfection HMEI
Cooke Eve EEB 2023 Lars Hedin Characterizing Epiphytic Macroalgae Assemblages in Understudied Hawaiian Mangrove Stands HMEI
DiMare Francesca CHM 2023 Paul Chirik Evaluation of Phenoxythiazoline-cobalt Catalysts for C(sp2)–C(sp3) Suzuki-Miyaura Cross-coupling Reactions HMEI
Duan Yaxin CBE 2023 Sujit Datta Elucidating the Onset of Chemotaxis in Bioremediation HMEI
Dupont Annabel Grace Bol ANT 2023 Hanna Garth Growing as the Trees Grow: A Study of Human-tree Interactions as Food Justice in South Central Los Angeles HMEI
Emanuel Leah ANT 2023 Jerry Zee A Journey to the Heart of Energy in America: The Convergence of Diverse Temporalities in the West Texas Landscape HMEI
Esposito Madison CHM 2023 Paul Chirik Bis(phosphine) Cationic Co(I)- and Neutral Co(0)- Catalyzed Asymmetric Hydrogenation of Pharmaceutically-Relevant Functionalized Enamides HMEI
Galat Claire EEB 2023 Rob Pringle Reconstructing the Savanna: How Mapping Diets Informs Ecosystem Functioning in Central Kenya HMEI
Giannattasio Alex SPIA 2023 Eric Larson It Isn’t Easy Being Green: Assessing Accelerators and Bottlenecks to Green Hydrogen Development in the Context of Chile’s National Green Hydrogen Strategy HMEI
Hsi Annika EEB 2023 Daniel Rubenstein Understanding Differences in how Grevy’s and Plains Zebras Interact with Cattle HMEI
Hyde Mary Cate EEB 2023 David Wilcove Investigating Wildfire History as a Driver of Large Mammal Habitat Use Patterns in a Mediterranean-type Ecosystem HMEI
Kim Hojoon CBE 2023 Michele Sarazan Catalytic Upcycling of Plastic Waste on Faujasite-type Zeolites HMEI
Kim Michael EEB 2023 Mary (Cassie) Stoddard Bringing the Vibe Down from Ten to Zero: Effects of Glacial Discharge on Northern Rockweed in the Gulf of Alaska HMEI
Kumar Chirag CHM 2023 Ramanan Laxminarayan Is Climate Change Driving the Next Superbug? Modeling the Global Spread of Candida auris Environmental Scholars/HMEI
Leventis Reed EEB 2023 Andy Dobson Species Characteristics of and Interactions Between Large Herbivore Nemabiomes, Microbiomes, and Diets HMEI
Liu Amelia CHM 2023 Paul Chirik Developing Quinoline Pyridine Imine Iron Complexes for Upgrading Feedstock Olefins HMEI
Lopez-Rico Samantha EEB 2023 Andy Dobson Caste Abundance of Philophthalmus sp. In Cerithium stercusmuscarum  HMEI
Richter Sophia EEB 2023 Andy Dobson The Highs and Lows of Grazing: Effects of Ungulates and Elevation on Grassland and Sagebrush Steppe Vegetation Composition in Yellowstone National Park  HMEI
Seeley Liam SPA 2023 Rachel Price Vegetal Cartographies: Plant Aesthetics for After the End HMEI
Shoubaki Joanna EEB 2023 Sarah Kocher Chemical Signatures of Reproduction and Nestmate Identity in the Socially Flexible Sweat Bee, Lasioglossum baleicum HMEI
Smirnov Adira EEB 2023 Lindy McBride The Dark Side of Light: Investigating the Effects of Low-level Artificial Light at Night on Testes Size and Melatonin Production in Male Acomys russatus and Acomys cahirinus HMEI
Vasen  Sam EEB 2023 Christina Riehl The Impacts of Vegetation Structure and Invasive Shrubs on Carolina Wren Densities  HMEI