Last Name First Name Major Class Adviser Proposal Title Fund
Arentzen Clare EEB 2014 Stephen Pacala The Spread of Invasive Plant Species by Human Vectors on the Appalachain Trail: Methods for Mitigation Hayes
Bacon Dilion HIS 2014 Martha Sandweiss History of the Natural Resources Defense Council PEI
Balachandran Devika EEB 2014 Lars Hedin Agricultural Nitrogen Pollution in the Mississippi Delta Hayes
Beale Andrea GEO 2014 John Higgins Fluid inclusions in marine halite as a window into the Mg isotopic composition of past oceans PEI
Bonnyman Isabel ANT 2014 Rena Lederman Environment and Measures of Happiness in Contemporary Bhutan PEI
Castelo Robert EEB 2014 James Gould The Effect of Marine Protected Areas on Coral Reef Regeneration PEI
Chen Sean WWS 2014 Esteban Rossi-Hansberg The Smart City: IT Infrastructure and Urban Development PEI
Cho Agnes ANT 2014 Serguei Oushakine An Anthropologial Exploration of the Dynamic of Development Work: A Comparative Analysis of Non-Profit and For-Profit Organizations in the Dissemination of Cookstoves in Peru and India PEI
Chu Andrea EEB 2014 David Wilcove Effects of Post-Industrial Renewal on Biodiversity PEI
Chung Victoria CHM 2014 Abigail Doyle Rhodium Catalyzed Cross Coupling with N-acyliminium Ions PEI
Cochrane Margaret ANT 2014 Carolyn Rouse An Anthropological Study of the Perceptions and Functions of Conservation in Ol ari Nyrio Conservancy in Central Kenya Hayes
Costa Suchana EEB 2014 Bridgett vonHoldt Vaccination logistics and disease dynamics in India PEI
Davis William EEB 2014 Stephen Pacala Ecological and Fisheries Implications of Red Snapper (Lutjanus campechanus) and gag (Mycteroperca microlepis) interactions PEI
Dresner Rebecca EEB 2014 Peter Andolfatto The Study of Behavioral Genetics and Speciation (at the Calnali and Tlatemaco hybrid regions in Mexico PEI
Edelman Lauren CBE 2014 Yueh Lin Loo Design and Cost Analysis of Low-Carbon Transportation Fuel PEI
Gallagher Clare EEB 2014 Stephen Pacala Influence of Reef Spactial Complexity and Corallivore Predation on Suvivorship of Juvenile Corals Hayes
Gallant Etienne CHM 2014 Mohammad Seyedsayamdost Elucidating the Chemical Basis of Algal-bacterial Symbiosis PEI
Goodman Sally CEE 2014 Kelly Caylor Developing Sustainable Water Use Practices in Kenyan Subsistence Agriculture in Response to Climate Change PEI
Grove Richard NES 2014 Michael Reynolds The Environmental and Policy Implications of the Proposed Conduit Linking the Red Sea with the Dead Sea PEI
Healy Christina EEB 2014 Daniel Rubenstein Relationship between Grazing Intensity and Parasite Loads of Zebras in Kenya Hayes
Joe-Wong Claresta CHM 2014 Satish Myneni Terrestrial Production of Organochlorines Along a Climate Gradient Dodge
Kasdin Alexandra EEB 2014 Robert Pringle Conservation Attitudes PEI
Kim Seokmin EEB 2014 Robert Pringle Impact of Herbivore Exclusion on Grasshopper populations PEI
Kirkwood Katherine CHM 2014 Satish Myneni The Effect of Climate on Iron Cycling in the Environment Dodge
Knight Colleen EEB 2014 Daniel Rubenstein The Effects of Contraception on Parasite Load in Feral Horses on Shackleford Banks, NC PEI
Li Yifan CHM 2014 Andrew Bocarsly The Mechanistic Role of Interfaces in the Electrochemical Reduction of CO2 PEI
Mancenon Carmina ORF 2014 Jianqing Fan Leveraging Government Policy to Increase Capital Base for Technology Start Ups in Turkey PEI
Marks Daniel EEB 2014 Daniel Rubenstein Impact Assessment of Cattle and Grazing Strategies on Wildlife and Vegetation Hayes
McCoy Eskander EEB 2014 Bridgett vonHoldt The Impact of Social Dominance Hierarchies and Associated Stress on the Epigenome of Yellowstone Grey Wolves PEI
McKenna Elizabeth EEB 2014 Simon Levin In Situ Growth Rates of Juvenile Corals Under Varying Light and Sedimentation Conditions PEI
Oneil Kyle MAE 2014 Luigi Martinelli Mechanical Design of the First Commercial PEI
Parker Chelsea EEB 2014 Daniel Rubenstein Vigilance and the Flow of Information through Zebra Herds PEI
Partridge Megan CEE 2014 Eric Wood The effect of institutional arrangements on the allocation of water resources: a case study of Chile PEI
Sanchez Julie EEB 2014 Simon Levin Vinasa, Taquila Byproduct and Waste Management Hayes
Silver Maxwell EEB 2014 Daniel Rubenstein Social Networks of Two Zebra Species PEI
Stone Caroline EEB 2014 Robert Pringle Acacia Ant Response Rates to Herbivore Pheromones PEI
Streater Blair EEB 2014 Daniel Rubenstein Landscape and Vegetation Analysis from the Last 40 Years of Shackleford Banks and Its Affects of the Equus caballus Population PEI
Traub Eric EEB 2014 James Gould Coral-Algal Phase Shift Dynamics in Coral Reef Systems PEI
Wagstaff Benedict WWS 2014 Eldar Shafir Addressing Behavioral Barriers To Take-Up Of Weather Insurance in India PEI
Werner Chhaya EEB 2014 Stephen Pacala Vegetation Restoration Following Dam Removal in the Pacific Northwest Hayes
Wyman Lauren EEB 2014 Robert Pringle Understanding the Resilience of Invaded Ecosystems: A Study of 16 Small Bahamain Islands PEI