Last Name First Name Major Adviser Title
Alvarado Kaila ANT Ryo Morimoto Seeds as Possibility: Rethinking Knowledge, Kinship, and Resilience Amid Climate Crisis
Ayeni Temiloluwa SOC Filiz Garip The Relationship Between Significant Life Experience and Environmental Activism Observed in College Students
Barthel Owen POL Nolan McCarty The Impact of Climate Disasters on Working Class Voter Turnout: The Mobilization of the American Working Class Immediately After Hurricane Sandy
Baxter Luke ECO Reader: Corina Tarnita Assessing Future Energy Consumption of Bitcoin Mining: The Need for Transition Towards a Greener Blockchain
Brubaker Katherine SPIA Martin Flaherty Upholding International Law and Fighting Environmental Degradation: A Multilateral Approach to Responsible Management in the South China Sea (SCS)
Brumett-Dunn Harlowe ANT Onur Günay Unveiling Environmental Warfare: Carbon Capture, Racial Injustice, and Artistic Resistance
Burghardt Meera SPIA Ethan Kapstein Pastoral Violence and Climate Change in Kenya
Chauncey-Heine Alex EEB Shane Campbell-Staton Flapping in the Storm: Exploring Tradeoffs between Dewlaps and Hurricane Adaptation in Anolis sagrei
Chen Zhaoran ARC Mario Gandelsonas Preserving Culture and People: Aesthetics of Authenticity in the Rebuilding of Chinese Heritage
Cui Jessica CEE Amilcare Porporato Biochar for Reduction of Agricultural Water Strain
Diaz de-Leon Magdely Michelle ANT Sebastian Ramirez Hernandez Navigating Natural Disasters in Puerto Rico
Dong April ARC Spyros Papapetros Arboreal Care Ecologies Nature, Practice, & Architecture
Evnin Elena HIS Margot Canaday A Thick Film of Dust Settles on the Screen: Ecocinema of the Dust Bowl
Freer Colin SPIA Andrew Buher Scaling Solar Energy in New Jersey: Benefits, Barriers, and Recommendations to New Jersey Solar Deployment
Green Kelvin CEE Z. Jason Ren; Howard Stone Towards Continuous Flow Microfluidics for Selective Lithium Recovery
Green Jack SPIA Elke Weber Small Buildings, Large Impact: Advancing Residential Decarbonization Through Building Performance Standards for Rental and Small Multifamily Housing
Himatsingka Yaashree HIS Divya Cherian Governing Spirits: Mahua, Morality, and Mysticism in Middle India
Kaplan Jordan EEB Simon Levin The Influence of Treatment and Location on Arthropod Distribution and Crop Yield in Minimum Tillage Farms in Israel
Kennedy Mae EEB Lars Hedin Commercial Pine Invasion of South African Fynbos: A Belowground Perspective
Kim Caris SOC Lynn Chancer Food for Thought: How Princeton Undergraduate Students Navigate Eating and Food Choices
Kim Chloe HIS Keith Wailoo Snake Roots, Luck Charms, and Old Twisted Muscadines: Understanding African American
Herbal Healing from Enslavement to the 1930s
Koonin Spencer CHM Satish Myneni Eon-ic Bonds: Geochemical Connections to Volcanism in the Deccan Traps during the End-Cretaceous Mass Extinction
Koven Lucy POL Corrine McConnaughy When Faced with the Challenge of Coastal Resilience, Some Cities Rise Above
Logan-Sankey Fiona MOL Daniel Rubenstein Investigating the Effects of Cattle Grazing on Zebra Movements in an African Savanna Ecosystem
Magistro Ethan PHI Anna Stilz Evaluating the Normative Grounds for Celestial Resource Sovereignty
Mahony Cordi POL Rafaela Dancygier Fridays for Future or Mondays for Economy? Climate Activism and the Response of the Radical Right
Max Fiona SOC Benjamin Bradlow Ugler I Mosen: Demand-Side Climate Initiatives in a Petro-state
Middleton Claire EEB Shane Campbell-Staton How Did the Cliff Swallow Cross the Road? A Genomic Study of Wing Length Variation Under Traffic-mediated Selection in a Highway Nesting Bird
Morris Jahir EEB Sarah Kocher; Michelle White Developing Tools for Species-Level Identification: Computer Vision Enables Rapid Identification of Wild Bee Species Using Wing Venation
Oyama Logan PSY Lars Hedin; Julie Tierney Fungal Food and Fire Mitigation: Growing Edible Oyster Mushrooms to Protect Forests and Feed Communities
Platt Oscar Benjamin Wu ARC Paul Lewis Towards a New Bamboo Architecture
Primus Kennedy AAS Joshua Guild Still Waters Run Deep: Enslaved Resistance Within the North Atlantic, 1600-1860
Rivera-Janer Isadora EEB C. Jessica Metcalf Characterizing Zoonotic and Vector-borne Disease Presence in Contexts of Displacement and Weather Events
Rogers Joshua HIS Chris Grieg Transmitting Consensus: A Political Guide to Transmission Reform in the United States
Rohrbaugh Katie HIS Emmanuel Kreike The History of Mpala Research Centre and Its Impact on Science and Local Communities
Salama Michael HIS Isadora Mota Fluid Identities: Historical Political Hydrology of the Urus of Lake Poopó
Schafer Bridgette POL Kristopher Ramsay Caught in Conflict: Weaving a Political Framework of Understanding for Modern Fishery Conflicts
Sekulic Matej POL Layna Mosley Securing Social Legitimacy: The Essential Role of Community Engagement in Lithium Mining
Shah Sakhi CBE Jonathan Conway Detecting and Utilizing Genetic Variations in Okra and Grapes to Improve Food Crops
Shields Hugh GEO Luc Deike Predicting Global Wave Conditions via Convolutional Neural Network
Stewart Sophia SPIA Ramon Cruz Diaz A Policymaker’s Guide to Regenerative Agriculture: Overcoming Barriers to a Sustainable Future
Sung Maia SPIA Zhao Li How Lobbying in the United States and European Union Appealed to Domestic Politics Allowing Unregulated Atlantic Shortfin Shark Bycatch in International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (ICCAT)
Swope Natalie ECO Allan Hsiao To Conserve or to Cultivate: The Effect of USDA Loan Programs on Conservation Reserve Program Enrollment
Tran Kim MOL Shruthi Mahalingaiah; Joan Ruderman Silent Toxins: The Association Between Pesticides and Endometriosis Prevalence
Ugwonali Chioma EEB Andy Dobson A Comparison between Ambient Nitrogen Dioxide Concentration and COVID-19 Mortality across the United States
Whelan Delainey SOC Sanyu Mojola Piety Or Politics: A Content Analysis of Religious and Political Media Across the Evangelical Divide in Canada and the United States
Widmann Max HIS Allison Carruth; Nathaniel Otjen; Juan Manuel Rubio Mining for the Climate: Socio-Environmental Narratives behind Lithium Extraction in the United States