Last Name | First Name | Major | Adviser | Title |
Anisfeld | Tali | ANT | Rena Lederman | Redefining our Relationship to Green Spaces in the Time of Covid-19 |
Castaneda | Sierra | CEE | Mark Zondlo | The “Number Two” Threat to Climate Change: Implications of Methane Emissions from Wastewater Treatment Plants |
Cavoli | Alexander | GEO | Gabriel Vecchi | Seed Theory and ENSO Variability: Re-Evaluating the Distribution of Tropical Cyclogenesis |
Chong | Christie | SPIA | Jin Sato | Un-Settling Culture: Indigenizing Development Schemes for Malaysia’s Orang Asli |
Cohen-Shields | Naomi | CEE | Denise Mauzerall | Mapping Air Pollution Across China: An Analysis of Fine Particulate Matter (PM2.5) and Surface Ozone Pollution (2014 -2019) with Correlating Provincial Socioeconomic Levels (2018) |
Copeland | Charles | GEO | Amilcare Porporato | Coupled Soil Moisture and Plant Water Storage Dynamics |
Davis | Audrey | SPIA | Sarah Staszak | Women at the Forefront: A Gendered Analysis of Women-Led Environmental Activism |
Dietrich | Madeleine | EEB | Andy Dobson | Modeling Phocine Distemper Virus Dynamics in the North Sea: A Two-Host Application of the SCIR Model |
Falconer | Kristie | EEB | Mary Stoddard | Butterfly Diversity, Conservation, and Flight Stratification in Krka National Park, Croatia |
Garcia | Joaquin | ANT | Laurence Ralph | Ecological Haunting and Overdetermination in an ‘End Time’: An (Auto) Ethnography |
Gottdiener | Alexander | ENG | Rob Nixon | Blackbirds Singing in the Dead of Night |
Gray | Barrett | EEB | Cassie Stoddard | Sensitivities of Avian Feeding Guilds to Forest Edges and Habitat Structure in the Mahamavo Region, Madagascar |
Grayson | Natalie | EEB | Dan Rubenstein | Understanding the Relationship Between Coral and Sea Cucumbers |
Jankovic | Thomas | GER | Ann Marie Rasmussen | Prefigurative Politics and the West German Green Movement from 1968 to 1985 |
Kuczynski Lange | Suzanne | EEB | Andrea Graham | Gastrointestinal parasite community structure in Procyon lotor: relationships to demographic variables, host condition, and immune response |
Lehmann | Rafi | HIS | Alison Isenberg | Urban Engravings: Space, Place, and Catastrophe in Twentieth-Century Jewish Vilna |
Odigie | Florence | CBE | Michele Sarazen | Characterizing the combined effects of mesoporosity and crystal size on conversion, product selectivity and deactivation rates on hierarchical BEA zeolite |
Schmidt | Peter | SPO | Daphne Legnani, Nicole; Kalotay | A Mountain There |
Scott-Young | Ellen | ANT | Jeffrey Himpele | The Efficacy of the Princeton Education on Dying Earth |
Shaw | Jenna | SPIA | Jennifer Jennings | Testing the Waters: A Case Study of the Relationship Between Risk Perception and Water Consumption Habits in Trenton, NJ |
Stankovikj | Bozhidar | SPIA | Dean Knox | “Show Me Who Your Friends Are”: Constructing a Social Network Using Mobile Location Data |
Teece | Adam | HIS | Yair Mintzker | The Alps, Mountaineering and Society in Germany and Austria, 1914-1945 |
Tjondro | Daniel | CEE | Sigrid Adriaenssens | The Development of an Impact-Oriented and Project-Independent Brownfield Assessment Tool |
Weissenbach | Ben | ENG | Rob Nixon | On the Frontier of Climate Change: Science and Adventure in Alaska |