Last Name First Name Major Class Adviser Title
Arader Michelle SPA/POR 2010 Angel Loureiro The Secret’s Keeper: A Translation
Bachas-Daunert Stephanie CEE 2010 George Scherer Environmental Impact at Tarragona: A Detailed Review of Thermal Expansion Mismatch on Roman Ruins in Coastal Spain
Barmeier Henry WWS 2010 Xenia Morin Why is Government in the Garden? Case Studies of Resilient Co-Governance in Urban Community Gardening Programs
Bradshaw Jonathan CEE 2010 Elie Bou-Zeid Cost-Effectiveness of Weatherization in Low-income Urban Housing
Buch Nathan MAE 2010 Luigi Martinelli Design and Construction of a Solar Powered Aircraft
Burns Zackory EEB 2010 Dan Rubenstein The Interaction of Leadership, Risk Assessment and Information Exchange in Plains Zebras (Equus burchelli): Reaction to Lion (Panthera leo) Dung near an East African Savannah Water Hole
Candela Juan Pablo ECO 2010 Dilip Abreu The Industrialization of Beef Production in Columbia: Unintended Consequences of Trade Promotion Agreement with the United States
Car Martina ANT 2010 Alan Mann Evolène: A Case Study of the Challenges to Sustainable Development in Alpine Agro-Pastoral Systems
Carr Martha WWS 2010 Thomas Christensen A New Donor Paradigm? A Case Study of Chinese Lending to Sub-Saharan Africa
Chambliss Sarah EEB 2010 David Wilcove Land Degradation & Plant Community Change: Examining the Case of Sansevieria volkensii, a Native Plant Spreading in Kenya
Clay Chandler ECO 2010 Smita Brunnermeier Another Dime, Another Diet: An Analysis of Development and the Associated Effects on Diet Composition Worldwide
Dee Sylvia CEE 2010 Greg vander Vink The Application of Multi- Variable Geospatial Analysis to an Environmentally-Sustainable Reconstruction of Afghanistan
Edelstein Carolyn WWS 2010 Robert Keohane Disaster Risk Science: Innovation and Experiment in Africa
Emba Christine WWS 2010 Helen Milner Financing the United Nations: Withholding, Withdrawal and the U.S.-U.N. Relationship
Glencer Alexa EEB 2010 Burton Singer Impact Assessment in Alaska: General Guidance, Project Application, and Sustainable Mitigation
Gong Ann POL 2010 Joanne Gowa Who Does the Earth Belong To? Solving Collective Action Problems in the International Environment Game
Hausheer Justine ENG 2010 William Gleason In Southern Soil: A Study of Ecology and Landscape in the Works of Flannery O’Connor and William Faulkner
Hill Stephanie POL 2010 Amy Lerman Aboriginal Self-Government in Canada
Hiller Jacob CHM 2010 Jeffrey Schwartz Reducing Contact Resistance in Multi-Layer Organic Thin-Film Transistors
Horstmeyer Gregor CEE 2010 Sigrid Adriaenssens Structural and Constructional Feasibility of Glass Elements: a Hyperbolic Canopy
Hsu Jessica CEE 2010 Kelly Caylor GreenArch: Designs for a Green Roof on Princeton University’s School of Architecture building
Laney Kathryn CHE 2010 Jay Benziger Elastic Modulus of Poly(ethylene-co-acrylic acid) Copolymers and Ionomers: Effects of Temperature and Relative Humidity
Li Simonne CHM 2010 Michael McAlpine Large-Scale Nanomanufacturing of Functional PZT Nanowires
Maloney Virginia WWS 2010 Denise Mauzerall Optimizing the Green Government Dollar: ARRA’s Local Energy Efficiency Project Implementation
Mathieu Maura EAS 2010 Benjamin Elman The Better Earth: Contextualizing Contemporary Organic Farming within China’s Dynamic Agricultural HIS
Metzel Ruth EEB 2010 Stephen W. Pacala From “Finca” to Forest: Forest Cover Change and Land Management in Los Santos, Panama
Miller Lauren CHM 2010 Satish Myneni CHM of Natural Organochlorines Produced by Lichens, Fungi, and Mosses in Pine Forests
Muketha Joshua CEE 2010 George Scherer The Role of Cement Durability in Carbon Dioxide Sequestration: Effects of Acid Corrosion on Microstructure, Transport, Material and Mechanical Properties of Portland Cement and the Consequences for Carbon Dioxide Sequestration in Depleted Petroleum Reservoirs
Parushev Dobromir MAE 2010 Thomas Kreutz The Potential of Algae as a Biofuel in a Carbon Constrained World
Pasenello Marci POL 2010 Evan Liberman Interest Inclusion and its Effects on Public Policymaking: A Comparative Analysis of Dietary Recommendations in Advanced Industrialized Countries
Pecora-Saipe Morgan EEB 2010 Stephen W. Pacala The Fishery-Mangrove Link: The Interaction of the Marine and Terrestrial Ecosystems
Plunkett William CEE 2010 Maria Garlock Skeletons and Shells: Santiago Calatrava and Felix Candela in the City of Arts and Sciences
Ramirez de Arellano Monica WWS 2010 Miguel A. Centeno— Drilling through the Layers of Uncertainty: Brazil-s Social Gain or Resource Curse?
Rasheed Bilhuda AST 2010 Neta Bahcall Where Are the Missing Baryons in Clusters?
Roseman Daniella ANT 2010 Alan Mann Stolen Wind: Engaging Public Voices in New York’s Offshore Wind Debate
Sennatt Kaitlin POL 2010 Jennifer Widner The Effects of Decentralization on Forest Cover Change in Indonesia
Shue Victoria ORF 2010 Warren Powell Batteries: Storing Wind
Slotznick Molly WWS 2010 Zia Mian Fragile Climate, Fragile States: A Proposal for the Inclusion of Climate Change Indicators in Measurements of State Fragility
Thorman James WWS 2010 Alexander Glaser France and the Future of U.S. Nuclear Energy: Using the French Nuclear Energy Program to Determine the Potential for a Nuclear Renaissance in the U.S. Today
Umoren NeneAqua HIS 2010 Emmanuel Kreike The Impact of Early Colonialism on Agricultural Production among the Kikuyu of Kenya, 1850 – 1925
Vellone Joseph WWS 2010 Xenia Morin Planting the Seeds for an African Green Revolution: The Millennium Villages Project and Input Subsidy Program in Malawi
Victor Britta ANT 2010 John Borneman Sustaining Culture with Sustainable Stoves: The Role of Tradition in Providing Clean-Burning Stoves to Developing Countries
Walker Josephine EEB 2010 Simon Levin Acaricide Use and the Control of Theileria Parva at the Wildlife-Livestock Disease Interface in Kenya
Wigley William ECO 2010 Smita Brunnermeier Airborne Pollutants and Health: A County-Level Analysis of the Effects of Emissions on Human Mortality in the United States
Yang Julia PSY 2010 Elizabeth Levy Paluck Pull the Plug: The Influence of Social Norms and Prospect Theory on Energy Conservation in Princeton University Dormitories