Last Name First Name Major Class Adviser Title
Altman-Kurosaki Noam EEB 2016 Stephen Pacala The Grazing Impact of Microherbivores on Algal Growth in Exposed and Sheltered Coral Reef Habitats
Baik Ejeong (EJ) CEE 2016 Michael Celia Assessment of Enhanced Gas Recovery from CO2 Injection into Shale Gas Wells
Baker Colleen ANT 2016 Carolyn Rouse Fish Forever”: The Integration of Culture in Community-Based Fisheries Management
Bergeron O’Neill EEB 2016 Robert Pringle Preserving Biodiversity in Chuck Swan Wildlife Management Area  and State Forest: How Recreational Uses Can Be Managed to Minimize Impacts to Local Biodiversity
Bole Sandy ARC 2016 Mario Gandelsonas Urbanism and Energy: A Speculative Policy for a Carbon Neutral America
Caldwell Jesse SOC 2016 Robert Wuthnow The Outdoors as a White Person’s Playground: The Scripting of Shenandoah National Park
Campus Angelo IND 2016 Forest Meggers and Carolyn Rouse Distributions of Power: Renewable Energy Development in the Navajo Nation
Carrillo Edgar POL 2016 John Londregan Regime Type, Economic Development, and Earthquake Mortality
Culver Benjamin EEB 2016 Stephen Pacala Not Just Cow Farts: The Need For More Stringent U.S. Oil and Natural Gas Methane Emissions Regulations
Dessy Jay GEO 2016 Michael Oppenheimer Towards Quantifying the Risk of Compound Heat Wave Events: Projections of Frequency and Severity
Diu Stephanie EEB 2016 Simon Levin Trouble in paradise: The effect of glyphosate and Roundup toxicity on coral fertilization and settlement
Falter Melody PSY 2016 Joel Cooper Do No Evil: Examining the Effect of Morality Frames in Climate Change Communications
Fluehr Kathryn HIS 2016 Vera Candiani An Environmental History of Colorado Mining: Resilience in the Mountains, 1858-1880
Gatto Elizabeth WWS 2016 Stephen Pacala Sustaining the California Dream: Managing the State’s Water
Glenn Erin ECO 2016 Roman Weil An Analysis of Airbnb’s Disruption on the Manhattan Hotel Industry
Grabowski Kathryn CEE 2016 Kelly Caylor and Robert Pringle Dynamics of herbivory in an altered post-war ecosystem at Gorongosa National Park, Mozambique
Jin Karen ENG 2016 Maria DiBattista “The Stately Homes of England”: Nostalgia, Englishness, and the English Country House in Twentieth-Century Literature
Little Kathryn CEE 2016 Eric Wood The Water-Energy-Food Nexus in the United States
Lochan Hema ANT 2016 Elizabeth Davis Site(s) At the Museum: How the Emergence of the “Activist” Museum has Influenced Modern Anthropology
Lovaglio Caroline POL 2016 Ezra Suleiman Participation in Paris? Assessing the Influence of Civil Society in International Negotiations of Global Climate Governance
Lowy Rebecca GEO 2016 Satish Myneni Arsenic Adsorption on Fe-oxides mixed with Mn-oxides: Potential of Fe-Mn Nanocrystalline Coated Calcite Grains for Filtration of Arsenic Contaminated Drinking Water
Lukins Kristin ECO 2016 Smita Brunnermeier When in Drought: Technological Innovation as a Response to Water Shortage
Menke Anna ANT 2016 Perry Sherouse Using the Environment to Claim Identity: The Nicaraguan Canal and Indigenous People
Nan Dallas CBE 2016 Eric Larson and Lin Loo An Analysis of Amine Solvent Carbon Capture Configurations on a Biochemical Biomass Conversion Process that Produces Hydrocarbon Fuel
Raber Katherine EEB 2016 Andrew Dobson Changing Patterns of Sea Lion Strandings along the Central California Coast
Rogers Gabrielle CBE 2016 Jeffrey Fitts Optimising the Treatment of Flowback and Produced Wastewater (FPW) in the Marcellus Shale
Sanborn Byron EEB 2016 David Wilcove Fear Effects: Decorator Crabs and the Giant Pacific Octopus
Shaw Summer WWS 2016 Ashoka Mody Chinese Import Competition in India: A Firm-Level Analysis of Industrial Activity and Pollution
Simpson Jamie CEE 2016 Branko Glisic Conceptual Design for a Pedestrian Bridge Crossing Princeton’s Lake Carnegie
Sobolewska Joanna WWS 2016 David Wilcove Incorporating Climate Change and Bycatch Considerations into Fishery Management Strategy
Taneja Anjali GEO 2016 Michael Oppenheimer Climate Variability and International Migration in Sub-Saharan Africa: Addressing Non-Linear Effects
Taubin Sol CEE 2016 Peter Jaffe Modeling Dissolved Oxygen Levels in the Navarrete-Cañuelas Sub-Basin of the Matanza-Riachuelo River Watershed
Vasquez Ethan GEO 2016 Michael Bender A Physiological Approach to Determining Ecosystem Productivity in the Arctic
Zarakas Claire GEO 2016 David Medvigy Propagating Uncertainty from Plant Traits to Ecosystem Dynamics in Dry Tropical Forests
Zempleni Reka ECO 2016 Thomas Fujiwara The S.M.A.R.T. Game
Zhou Jennifer WWS 2016 Richard Truex Free Media and Changing Corruption Norms; An Interview-Based Case Study of Taiwan