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Carbon-chomping soil bacteria may pose hidden climate risk

January 27, 2021 ・ Molly Sharlach

Much of the Earth’s carbon is trapped in soil, and scientists have assumed that potential climate-warming compounds would safely stay there for centuries. But Princeton research supported by the High Meadows Environmental Institute (HMEI) shows that carbon molecules can potentially…

PEI awards new Climate and Energy Challenge projects, from the natural color-scape to the right words for climate change

June 29, 2020 ・ Morgan Kelly

Four new projects funded by the Climate and Energy Grand Challenge program will explore topics such as the environmental impact of turbulence from offshore wind turbines, the effect of climate change on the natural color-scape, the efficient production of jet…

Wild hummingbirds see a broad range of colors humans can only imagine

June 25, 2020 ・ Liz Fuller-Wright

To find food, dazzle mates, escape predators and navigate diverse terrain, birds rely on their excellent color vision. “Humans are color-blind compared to birds and many other animals,” said Mary Caswell Stoddard, an assistant professor of ecology and evolutionary biology…

Senior Cole Morokhovich’s unexpected path to studying what hummingbirds could tell us about climate change

May 7, 2020 ・ Morgan Kelly

Princeton senior Cole Morokhovich still marvels at the possibility that his academic path may have come down to one five-minute window. Having come to Princeton with a focus on pre-medicine, he had taken most of the required courses and declared…

Shrinking grains expand understanding of self-healing materials

October 22, 2019 ・ Scott Lyon

Cracks in the desert floor appear random to the untrained eye, even beautifully so, but those patterns of dried clay turn out to be predictable — and useful in designing advanced materials. In a pair of new studies, Princeton University…

Offshore oil and gas rigs leak more greenhouse gas than expected

September 16, 2019 ・ John Sullivan

A survey of offshore installations extracting oil and natural gas in the North Sea revealed far more leakage of methane, a powerful greenhouse gas, than currently estimated by the British government, according to a research team led by scientists from…

‘100-year’ floods will happen every one to 30 years, according to new coastal flood prediction maps

August 27, 2019 ・ Jen A. Miller

A 100-year flood is supposed to be just that: a flood that occurs once every 100 years, or a flood that has a 1% chance of happening every year. But Princeton researchers have developed new maps that predict coastal flooding…

PEI awards $515,000 to projects studying our changing climate and environment

April 23, 2018 ・ Morgan Kelly

PEI’s Climate and Energy Challenges program has funded five new projects totaling $515,000 to study our changing climate and environment

Historians to climate researchers: “Let’s talk”

March 19, 2018 ・ Liz Fuller-Wright

History – and historians – can tell us a lot about how societies handle environmental upheaval.