PEI Awards Environmental Certificates and Prizes
June 5, 2013 ・ Holly WellesIn the early afternoon of June 3rd, students gathered together with family, friends, faculty, and staff to celebrate Class Day at the Princeton Environmental Institute (PEI) where 49 graduating seniors from 16 different departments were awarded Environmental Certificates. 49 Graduating…
Future of Energy Debated at Corporate-Academic Meeting
November 19, 2012 ・ Holly WellesThe market for alternative energy technologies shows many areas of promise but also is beset by major uncertainties over regulation and tax policy.
Note from PEI’s Director
July 18, 2012 ・ Stephen PacalaAs the flurry of the spring semester winds down with term papers written, exams taken, and graduations and reunions commemorated, it is a time for celebration, reflection, and new beginnings. At the Princeton Environmental Institute’s Class Day celebration June 4,…
46 Undergraduates Graduate with Environmental Studies Certificates
June 7, 2012 ・ Carol PetersPEI Awards and Prizes Peter W. Stroh ’51 Environmental Thesis Prize The Peter W. Stroh ’51 Environmental Senior Thesis Prize was established in 2003 as a memorial to Peter W. Stroh ’51, an active member of PEI’s Advisory Council and…
US1 Reports on Princeton University’s Role in Saving the Climate
June 6, 2012 ・ Michele AlperinPacala and Colleagues Call for Greater Focus on Methane Leakage from Natural Gas Infrastructure
April 10, 2012 ・ Joy ScharfsteinNote from PEI’s Director
February 23, 2012 ・ Stephen PacalaSteve Pacala trekking through a forest in Nova Scotia, 2011. (Photo: Lise Pacala) The environmental challenges facing the world today are so vast that any solution will have tremendous social and environmental impacts. We thus require not only technological advances,…