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S.O.S. sign written in beach sand near beach waves hahaha

$780,000 Awarded for Innovative Research, Teaching, and Mentorship in Energy and the Environment

May 28, 2014 ・ Holly P. Welles

Princeton Environmental Institute (PEI) and the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment (ACEE) have announced awards totaling $780,000 to support eight (8) innovative projects in energy and the environment. The awards follow a joint call for research proposals earlier…

Class Snapshot: ‘The Energy-Water Nexus’

January 24, 2013 ・ Nick DiUlio for the Princeton Environmental Institute

Instructors: Eric Larson, a research engineer with the Energy Systems Analysis Group of the Princeton Environmental Instituteand lecturer in chemical and biological engineering and inmechanical and aerospace engineering; Sankaran Sundaresan, professor of chemical and biological engineering; and Daniel Giammar, the…

Probing Water’s Molecular Mysteries Yields Practical Insights

August 17, 2012 ・ John Sullivan, Princeton School of Engineering and Applied Science

Two New Investigator Awards Support Research on Desalination Technology and Metabolic Rate Processes of Plants

May 2, 2011 ・ Pascale Maloof Poussart

First-year graduate student Lichao Cai looking at a small vial containing a slurry of clathrate hydrates. The Grand Challenges Program has awarded two New Investigator Grants for 2011-2012. One will support a proposal by Michael Bender to develop new methods…