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PEI Urban Grand Challenges awards $509,000 to new urban sustainability projects

January 17, 2019 ・ Morgan Kelly

Vertical farms in post-industrial America, origami-based noise-pollution barriers, and cement made from burned waste make up the latest round of projects funded by the Princeton Environmental Institute (PEI) Urban Grand Challenges program. Totaling $509,000, the new awards are active through September…

PEI researchers among recipients of Dean for Research Innovation Funds

April 24, 2018

PEI faculty and associated faculty were among several Princeton faculty to receive 2018 Dean for Research Innovation Funds

Room for Growth: Princeton’s Vertical Farming Project harvests knowledge for a budding industry

October 31, 2017

Princeton researchers and students launched the Princeton Vertical Farming Project in April in an effort to optimize the increasingly popular field of vertical farming.

Interview with Postdoc Gauthier on Plants and Climate Change

March 8, 2016 ・ Igor Heifetz

Plant physiologist Paul Gauthier is interviewed by WPRB Princeton about his current research.