wE-unions: Green is the New Orange and Black
April 30, 2015 ・ Igor HeifetzwE-unions is an interactive, playful, & all-invited event about environment, public space, justice, and community. Designed and led by students in the spring 2015 Atelier course, “Performing Environmental Stories,” with professors Jenny Price and Kelly Baum. Monday, May 4, 2015…
Artists Making Cities: Two Events with Three Dynamic Artists
February 4, 2015 ・ Igor HeifetzFebruary 24, 2015 It s 2015 Do you know where your artists are? Increasingly, they’re heading out of the studio and into public spaces. They’re taking over sidewalks, revitalizing urban rivers, redesigning streets to be more people-friendly, and remediating industrial…
A Profusion of Pigeons
April 23, 2014 ・ Igor HeifetzClass Snapshot: The Environment Can Be Funny
April 14, 2014 ・ Alicia Brooks Waltman for PEIThe Instructor: As an environmentalist, an historian, an Urban Ranger, and a comedic writer, Jenny Price comes to Princeton University with a unique set of expertise and interests. It was this inimitable combination that led to her selection by the…