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S.O.S. sign written in beach sand near beach waves hahaha

CMI Best Paper Awards recognize postdoc, graduate student published research

May 5, 2020 ・ Holly Welles

The Carbon Mitigation Initiative (CMI) recognized Jane Baldwin, a past postdoctoral fellow in the Princeton Environmental Institute (PEI), and Samantha Hartzell, a graduate student in civil and environmental engineering, at the CMI Annual Meeting for outstanding published research. Baldwin received…

Levine receives prestigious Robert MacArthur ecological research award

April 17, 2020 ・ Liz Fuller-Wright

Jonathan Levine, a professor of ecology and evolutionary biology (EEB) and an associated faculty member in the Princeton Environmental Institute (PEI), is the 2020 recipient of the Ecological Society of America’s Robert H. MacArthur Award, the most prestigious mid-career accolade from…

Why are big storms bringing so much more rain? Warming, yes, but also winds

October 29, 2019 ・ Molly Sharlach

For three hurricane seasons in a row, storms with record-breaking rainfall have caused catastrophic flooding in the southern United States: Harvey in 2017, Florence in 2018 and Imelda in 2019. A new analysis by Princeton researchers explains why this trend…

Photo exhibition explores 25 years of Princeton environmental education, research

September 17, 2019 ・ Morgan Kelly

From the oceans to the forests, from diseases to natural disasters, Princeton faculty and students are carrying out research crucial to understanding and preserving our planet. Those efforts are the centerpiece of an exhibition celebrating environmental research and education at…

Plants and microbes shape global biomes through local underground alliances

April 17, 2019 ・ Morgan Kelly

Dense rainforests, maple-blanketed mountains and sweeping coniferous forests demonstrate the growth and proliferation of trees adapted to specific conditions. The regional dominance of tree species we see on the surface, however, might actually have been determined underground long ago. Princeton…

Houston’s urban sprawl increased rainfall, flooding during Hurricane Harvey

November 11, 2018 ・ Lynn Anderson Davy & Morgan Kelly

Houston’s urban landscape directly contributed to the torrential rainfall and deadly flooding experienced during Hurricane Harvey in August 2017, according to Princeton and University of Iowa researchers. The researchers report in the journal Nature Nov. 14 that Houston’s risk for extreme flooding…

Pacala chairs national committee calling for immediate push for CO2-removal technology

October 29, 2018

The escalating effects of climate change now demand a substantial research initiative to develop and launch “negative emissions technologies” (NETs) that remove and sequester carbon dioxide directly from the air, according to a recent report by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering…

Foam could offer greener option for petroleum drillers

August 9, 2018 ・ John Sullivan

Hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, uses large amounts of fresh water while producing corresponding amounts of wastewater. Water-based foams, which use about 90 percent less water than fracking fluids, could provide an alternative, but the mechanism for foam-driven fracture is not…

Bourg receives NSF CAREER grant to study fine-grain soil hydrology, mechanics

March 13, 2018 ・ Morgan Kelly

Ian Bourg has received a five-year NSF CAREER award to study the hydrology and mechanics of fine-grained soils and sedimentary rocks.