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Wild Sheep Show Benefits of Putting Up With Parasites

July 23, 2014 ・ Molly Sharlach, Office of the Dean for Research

Study Shows Significant Increase in Antibiotic Use Across the World

July 10, 2014 ・ Wendy Plump for the Princeton Environmental Institute

Global use of antibiotics is surging according to Princeton University researchers who have conducted a broad assessment of antibiotic consumption around the world. The study, “Global Trends in Antibiotic Consumption, 2000-2010,” found that worldwide antibiotic use has risen a staggering…

S.O.S. sign written in beach sand near beach waves hahaha

Challenge Is Doubly Great for the Developing World

January 5, 2014 ・ Igor Heifetz

By the time antibiotics were widely introduced in the 1940s, infectious diseases were already in decline in high-income countries thanks to improvements in sanitation and the introduction of vaccines. In many developing countries, on the other hand, antibiotics were introduced…

S.O.S. sign written in beach sand near beach waves hahaha

The Environmental Implications of Antibiotic Resistance

November 18, 2013 ・ Holly Welles

The very low antibiotic resistance observed in polar bears on the isolated Arctic archipelago of Svalbard supports the theory that the higher resistance found in animals living closer to human settlements is rooted in the anthropogenic use of antibiotics. The…

Pneumonia Strain Has Spread

February 6, 2013 ・ Igor Heifetz