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S.O.S. sign written in beach sand near beach waves hahaha

A Note from PEI’s Director

May 15, 2010 ・ Stephen Pacala

Stephen Pacala (left) and Steve Cosson at The Great Immensity on April 17. (Photo: Bentley Drezner) June is quickly approaching, and soon a record number of students will graduate with Certificates in Environmental Studies. This is an ideal time to…

Art and Science Collaboration Produced Work-in-Progress on Climate Change

May 15, 2010 ・ Carol Peters

Carolyn Edelstein (top, far right) performs on stage at the Berlind Theater with professional actors from The Civilians. (Photos: Denise Applewhite) Steve Pacala (bottom photo, second from right) during talk-back following the evening performance of The Great Immensity on April…

ENV Students Benefit Community Partner Through Research on School Lunches and Gardens

May 15, 2010 ・ Carol Peters

Pictured top to bottom: Professor Morin (right) and Melecia Wright ’11; Ross Siverman 10; Angela Wu ’12 shows her poster entitled “Food Insecurity in Recessions”; Pam Flory of Real Food for Thought (left) and Kathleen Wade ’11 discuss school gardens.…

Q&A: The Making of ‘The Great Immensity’

May 15, 2010 ・ Carol Peters

While exploring the Panama Canal in a small tourist boat, Steve Cosson and Michael Friedman were startled by a massive container ship suddenly passing by, rocking them violently in its wake. Painted on the hull in Chinese characters, its name…

S.O.S. sign written in beach sand near beach waves hahaha

Acting Out Environmentalism

March 3, 2010 ・ Jonathan Dec

Food Security, A Growing Crisis in the Gulf Region

December 31, 2009 ・ Carol Peters

The Gulf region relies upon foreign sources for 60% of its food supply. Agriculture in this region is declining due to lack of water, while simultaneously the population is increasing. The Gulf region’s ability to provide its citizens with an…

A Note from PEI’s Director

December 31, 2009 ・ Stephen Pacala

At PEI we are approaching 2010 with a fresh sense of optimism. The Institute is strong and vital, as this issue of PEI News clearly illustrates. Inside are articles that reflect the scope and vigor of PEI’s research programs, campus…

Grand Challenges Highlights: Fall/Winter 2009

December 31, 2009 ・ Carol Peters

Now in its third year of funding, the Grand Challenges Initiative, administered by PEI in collaboration with the Woodrow Wilson School and the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, has created a diverse research and scholarship endeavor. Below are a…