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S.O.S. sign written in beach sand near beach waves hahaha

$1.05M Awarded for Innovative Research, Teaching, and Mentorship in Energy and the Environment

August 5, 2015 ・ Brenda L. Mikeo for Princeton Environmental Institute

Princeton Environmental Institute (PEI) and the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment (ACEE) have announced awards totaling $1,050,000 to support 11 innovative projects in energy and the environment.

Abandoned Wells Can Be ‘Super-emitters’ of Greenhouse Gas

December 9, 2014 ・ John Sullivan, Office of Engineering Communications

Princeton University researchers have uncovered a previously unknown, and possibly substantial, source of the greenhouse gas methane to the Earth’s atmosphere. After testing a sample of abandoned oil and natural gas wells in northwestern Pennsylvania, the researchers found that many…

Project Selected for Safe and Permanent Geologic Storage of Carbon Dioxide

August 27, 2014 ・ Brenda Mikeo

The U.S. Department of Energy has selected a project led by Princeton University Professor Michael Celia for funding. The project is one of 13 chosen to develop technologies and methodologies for geologic storage of carbon dioxide (CO2). Celia’s project, which is joint with Lawrence…

Colvin Winner Sara Nason ’12 Examines Impact of CO2 on Metal Concentrations in Plants

May 22, 2012 ・ Carol Peters

In May 2011, geosciences major Sara Nason ’12, was awarded the Becky Colvin Memorial Award by the Princeton Environmental Institute (PEI) and the Colvin family. During the following summer, the Colvin funds supported the research she conducted – analyzing tree…

PEI’s Energy Systems Analysis Group Aims to Improve the World’s Energy Future

May 14, 2012 ・ Carol H. Peters and Holly P. Welles

One of the greatest challenges facing today’s policymakers is to find ways to meet the growing global demand for energy and to do so in more sustainable ways.