High Water Line: “Solutions”

The panel discussion “Solutions” will examine the range of engineering and public policy approaches available for mitigating and adapting to the impacts of sea-level rise and those that are under consideration in New Jersey as the state faces a receding shoreline.

Register to attend this event in person (PUID holders only) or via Zoom livestream (open to all). Face coverings are REQUIRED for in-person attendance. Panel speakers are listed below.

  • Mario Gandelsonas, Class of 1913 Lecturer in Architecture and Professor of School of Architecture, Princeton University
  • A.R. Siders, Assistant Professor in the Disaster Research Center, University of Delaware
  • James Waltman, Executive Director, The Watershed Institute

“Solutions” is the final of three panels organized as part of High Water Line: New Jersey, a public-facing project organized by Christina Gerhardt, the 2021-22 Barron Visiting Professor in the Environmental Humanities in the High Meadows Environmental Institute, that will walk and chalk New Jersey’s future shoreline as projected by science.

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High Water Line: “Solutions”

Event Date

Wed, May 4, 2022 ・ 12:00 PM - 1:30 PM


Betts Auditorium/Livestream

The panel discussion “Solutions” will examine the range of engineering and public policy approaches available for mitigating and adapting to the impacts of sea-level rise and those that are under consideration in New Jersey as the state faces a receding shoreline.

Register to attend this event in person (PUID holders only) or via Zoom livestream (open to all). Face coverings are REQUIRED for in-person attendance. Panel speakers are listed below.

  • Mario Gandelsonas, Class of 1913 Lecturer in Architecture and Professor of School of Architecture, Princeton University
  • A.R. Siders, Assistant Professor in the Disaster Research Center, University of Delaware
  • James Waltman, Executive Director, The Watershed Institute

“Solutions” is the final of three panels organized as part of High Water Line: New Jersey, a public-facing project organized by Christina Gerhardt, the 2021-22 Barron Visiting Professor in the Environmental Humanities in the High Meadows Environmental Institute, that will walk and chalk New Jersey’s future shoreline as projected by science.