HMEI-STEP Fellows: Awarded 2010
Konar, Megan
Ford FellowDEPARTMENTCivil and Environmental Engineering
HMEI-STEP TopicProjections of International crop trade under a changing climate.
HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)Denise Mauzerall
Thesis TopicPotential Impacts of Climate Change on Virtual Water Trade
Thesis Adviser(s)Ignacio Rodriguez-Iturbe
Losh, Jenna
Ford FellowDEPARTMENTGeosciences
HMEI-STEP TopicInvestigating the challenges and prospective for U.S. ocean policy, with recommendations for a successful regime.
HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)Michael Oppenheimer
Thesis TopicThe response of marine phytoplankton to increase CO2 under nitrogen limitation.
Thesis Adviser(s)Francois Morel
Sekar, Nitin
Perkins FellowDEPARTMENTEcology and Evolutionary Biology
HMEI-STEP TopicThe effects of direct payments for conservation on local development in India.
HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)Atul Kohli
Thesis TopicPredicting how the loss of Asian elephants may affect the dispersal of fruiting trees in India.
Thesis Adviser(s)Andrew Dobson
Turnbull, David
Ford FellowDEPARTMENTMechanical and Aerospace Engineering
HMEI-STEP TopicNuclear-weapon proliferation risks associated with fusion-fission hybrids
HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)Alexander Glaser
Thesis TopicUltra-intense laser amplification via raman backscattering - a potential fast ignitor for inertial fusion energy.
Thesis Adviser(s)Szymon Suckewer