HMEI-STEP Fellows: Awarded Civil and Environmental Engineering

  • Deng, Hang

    Ford Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Incorporation of CCS – and Nuclear Energy Related Risks in Current Energy Economic Model and its Implications to Energy Policy

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Evaluation of Caprock Integrity and its Evolution Due to Brine-CO2-rock Interactions

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Catherine Peters

  • Dalin, Carole

    Perkins Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Promoting Environmentally Sustainable Agriculture Productivity in China Through Water Management and Agricultural Policies

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Denise Mauzerall

    Thesis Topic

    The Transfer of Water Resources through the Trade of Water-Intensive Products, or “Virtual Water Trade”.

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Ignacio Rodriguez-Iturbe

  • Huang, Xinwo

    Ford Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Regulation of Subsurface Systems in China: Is it Possible for both Shale Gas Production and Carbon Sequestration to Coexist

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Denise Mauzerall

    Thesis Topic

    Model Complexity for Subsurface Porous Medium Flow

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Michael Celia

  • Debats, Stephanie

    Perkins Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Reducing Crop Yield Losses through Improved Food Security Forecasts and Agricultural Land-Use Policies

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Crop Yield Variability in Dryland Agricultural Systems

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Kelly Caylor

  • Konar, Megan

    Ford Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Projections of International crop trade under a changing climate.

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Denise Mauzerall

    Thesis Topic

    Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Virtual Water Trade

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Ignacio Rodriguez-Iturbe

  • Pal, David

    Kelley Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Improving Methane Leakage Mitigation Efforts from Abandoned Oil and Gas Wells

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Denise Mauzerall

    Thesis Topic

    Environmental Engineering and Water Resources - Methane Mitigation from Wetlands

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Peter Jaffé

  • Gerlein, Cynthia

    Perkins Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Understanding the Impacts of Policy on Reducing Deforestation in Tropical Forests

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Denise Mauzerall

    Thesis Topic


    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Kelly Caylor

  • Xian, Siyuan

    Ford Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Impact and Value of Information on Flood Risk Reduction Decisions

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Michael Oppenheimer

    Thesis Topic

    Coastal Resilience through an Integrated Approach

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Ning Lin

  • Pan, Da

    Ford Fellow

    Civil and Environmental Engineering

    HMEI-STEP Topic

    Investigation of Monitoring Strategies of Atmospheric Ammonia for Ammonia Regulation in the United States

    HMEI-STEP Adviser(s)

    Denise Mauzerall

    Thesis Topic

    Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics/Spatiotemporal Characteristics of Emissions of Ammonia and Nitrous Oxide from Agriculture

    Thesis Adviser(s)

    Mark Zondlo