Systems Integration for Addressing Global Challenges


Jianguo “Jack” Liu, University Distinguished Professor of fisheries and wildlife at Michigan State University, presented, “Systems Integration for Addressing Global Challenges,” Feb. 27 in a joint seminar hosted by the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology in conjunction with the Princeton Environmental Institute (PEI) and the Wendt Chair in Contemporary East Asia.

Systems integration takes holistic approaches to studying humans and the environment across disciplines, space, time and organizational levels. Liu demonstrated the importance of systems integration using examples from long-term interdisciplinary research on complex pandas-people interactions in China. He also illustrated applications of findings from a local panda reserve to regional, national and global scales. The talk concludes with ideas for future transformative research on societal and environmental challenges facing East Asia and the rest of the world.

Systems Integration for Addressing Global Challenges

Publish Date

March 8, 2019


Jianguo “Jack” Liu

Video Length



Jianguo “Jack” Liu, University Distinguished Professor of fisheries and wildlife at Michigan State University, presented, “Systems Integration for Addressing Global Challenges,” Feb. 27 in a joint seminar hosted by the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology in conjunction with the Princeton Environmental Institute (PEI) and the Wendt Chair in Contemporary East Asia.

Systems integration takes holistic approaches to studying humans and the environment across disciplines, space, time and organizational levels. Liu demonstrated the importance of systems integration using examples from long-term interdisciplinary research on complex pandas-people interactions in China. He also illustrated applications of findings from a local panda reserve to regional, national and global scales. The talk concludes with ideas for future transformative research on societal and environmental challenges facing East Asia and the rest of the world.