PEI Faculty Seminar: “Climatic Influences on Tropical Cyclones and Their Severity” with Gabriel Vecchi


Gabriel Vecchi, professor of geosciences and the Princeton Environmental Institute, presents “Climatic Influences on Tropical Cyclones and Their Severity.” He discusses how natural and human-made factors have combined to change the activity and impacts of tropical cyclones, among the deadliest and costliest natural hazards on our planet. He draws on research using observations, theoretical constructs, and climate-model experiments to explore how tropical cyclones in a warmer future will compare to those of the past.

PEI Faculty Seminar: “Climatic Influences on Tropical Cyclones and Their Severity” with Gabriel Vecchi

Publish Date

October 1, 2019


Gabriel Vecchi

Video Length



Gabriel Vecchi, professor of geosciences and the Princeton Environmental Institute, presents “Climatic Influences on Tropical Cyclones and Their Severity.” He discusses how natural and human-made factors have combined to change the activity and impacts of tropical cyclones, among the deadliest and costliest natural hazards on our planet. He draws on research using observations, theoretical constructs, and climate-model experiments to explore how tropical cyclones in a warmer future will compare to those of the past.