Disease in Motion and Landscapes of Health


C. Jessica E. Metcalfassociate professor of ecology and evolutionary biology and public affairs, will present “Disease in Motion and Landscapes of Health.” Metcalf was the third speaker in the fall 2022 HMEI Faculty Seminar Series.

Metcalf, who is associated faculty in HMEI, explained how patterns of population connectivity shape the spread of infectious disease and define the landscape of human and animal health. Her work in Madagascar triangulating the movement and burden for pathogens such as measles, rabies and the avian Newcastle disease through a range of data sources has helped reveal the drivers of pathogen ecology — and point toward new methods for disease control.

Disease in Motion and Landscapes of Health

Publish Date

November 3, 2022


C. Jessica E. Metcalf

Video Length



C. Jessica E. Metcalfassociate professor of ecology and evolutionary biology and public affairs, will present “Disease in Motion and Landscapes of Health.” Metcalf was the third speaker in the fall 2022 HMEI Faculty Seminar Series.

Metcalf, who is associated faculty in HMEI, explained how patterns of population connectivity shape the spread of infectious disease and define the landscape of human and animal health. Her work in Madagascar triangulating the movement and burden for pathogens such as measles, rabies and the avian Newcastle disease through a range of data sources has helped reveal the drivers of pathogen ecology — and point toward new methods for disease control.