“Hydrology in the Supercomputing Age”

Reed Maxwell, professor of civil and environmental engineering and the Princeton Environmental Institute, will present “Hydrology in the Supercomputing Age.”

This event will be held online via webinar register online in advance to receive a webinar link.

Maxwell, who joined the Princeton faculty this month, will discuss how computational advances and big data have revolutionized the study of water and water cycles in the past 50 years. Hydrologists can now simulate previously unattainable spatial scales that couple atmospheric, plant, and land energy processes with surface and subsurface water cycles. Maxwell will explore how computational advances are changing the questions hydrologists ask, how they educate students, and the interdisciplinary connections they can build.

This event is part of the 2020 Darcy Lecture Series in Groundwater Science presented by the National Ground Water Association and is co-sponsored by the Princeton Environmental Institute (PEI) and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

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“Hydrology in the Supercomputing Age”

Event Date

Thu, Sep 10, 2020 ・ 4:30 PM - 5:30 PM



Aerial shot of a river during dawn

Reed Maxwell, professor of civil and environmental engineering and the Princeton Environmental Institute, will present “Hydrology in the Supercomputing Age.”

This event will be held online via webinar register online in advance to receive a webinar link.

Maxwell, who joined the Princeton faculty this month, will discuss how computational advances and big data have revolutionized the study of water and water cycles in the past 50 years. Hydrologists can now simulate previously unattainable spatial scales that couple atmospheric, plant, and land energy processes with surface and subsurface water cycles. Maxwell will explore how computational advances are changing the questions hydrologists ask, how they educate students, and the interdisciplinary connections they can build.

This event is part of the 2020 Darcy Lecture Series in Groundwater Science presented by the National Ground Water Association and is co-sponsored by the Princeton Environmental Institute (PEI) and the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.