Vincent Bai ’14


Chemical and Biological Engineering

Project Title

Developing Energy Solutions Through Lightening Energy

The overall goal of my summer internship was to contribute to the ongoing research/development and operations at Lightening Energy. Lightening Energy is a small energy company that is working towards developing energy solutions for the future, especially with regards to transportation and grid storage. I engaged in a variety of activities over the course of the internship. For one ARPA-E grant proposal, I worked on a heat transfer analysis to demonstrate the feasibility of the solid-state lithium ion battery that was proposed. I also performed market research for several different projects and grant proposals that were ongoing during my time at Lightening Energy. I learned much about the dynamics of a workplace and how to interact with co-workers. My internship showed me the benefits of working at a small company and has influenced me to try to find a job at an energy startup. It also helped me to narrow down my thesis topic; I will be performing research on the assembly of supercapacitors.

Internship Year


Project Category

Climate and Energy


Lightening Energy, Dover, NJ


Michael Epstein, Lightening Energy