Traci Mathieu ’20


Computer Science

Project Title

Visualizing Air Quality in Augmented Reality (AR)

I worked on two iOS mobile applications that use augmented reality (AR) to display air-quality data overtop a user’s surrounding environment as viewed through their device. The first app displays air-quality data for street intersections near the user, while the second adds a 3D city model and visualized data to the AR view. The user can interact with the model and data to gain a better understanding of how air-quality varies within a specific area. I also worked on a web application that displays air-quality data on Google Maps based on the user’s location. After 10 weeks, I went from from knowing nothing about mobile-app development to having developed two prototypes. Not only did I gain an array of new skills, I also had the wonderful opportunity to develop strong relationships with my mentors. This experience solidified my desire to continue conducting research with the Environmental Fluid Mechanics Research Group and, ultimately, pursue a career in the technology sector.

Internship Year


Project Category

Urban Adaptation and Resiliency


Environmental Fluid Mechanics Research Group, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University- Princeton, New Jersey


Elie Bou-Zeid, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering; Maider Llaguno Municha, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Civil and Environmental Engineering