Shuchen He ’25
Operations Research and Financial Engineering
Location Optimization for Electric Two-wheeler Charging Stations in South Bangalore
To cut carbon emissions, the Indian government has set the ambitious goal of electrifying its transportation system by 2030, and the city of Bangalore aims to become “the Capital of Electric Vehicles” in India. It is estimated that the number of electric vehicles, especially two-wheelers, will grow significantly in Bangalore, which will lead to a soaring demand for public chargers. I studied where public electric two-wheeler chargers should be sited in south Bangalore. The location of chargers matters because the accessibility of charging infrastructures determines people’s willingness to adopt electric vehicles. I first collected traffic data from Bangalore government surveys and used ArcGIS software to clean and process the data before analyzing it in Python. Then, I formulated and solved an optimization problem to generate a set of optimal locations for electric two-wheeler chargers. This internship allowed me to apply textbook knowledge to real-world problems, encouraged me to think as a scholar and engineer, and allowed me to build valuable friendships with my mentors and colleagues. I plan to further develop this project into my senior thesis.
Innovation and a New Energy Future
Energy Systems Analysis Group, Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment, Princeton University - Princeton, New Jersey
Eric Larson, Senior Research Engineer, Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment; Ganesh Hegde, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment