Riley Wagner ’20


Chemical and Biological Engineering

Project Title

The Implementation of a Gravity-Fed Potable Water System in Pusunchás, Perú

Presentation Link

View Riley's Presentation

Certificate(s): Sustainable Energy

The Princeton Engineers Without Borders-Perú team finalized the implementation of a gravity-fed water system in Pusunchás, Perú, which provides the rural community with reliable access to potable water. The project collects water from a mountain spring and brings it via a
3-kilometer conduction line to a centralized reservoir tank. From the reservoir, three major distribution lines deliver that water directly to tap stands placed at each household. In August, seven students traveled for four weeks to connect the remaining houses to the distribution network, instruct the community water council on proper system maintenance, make improvements to the source capture, and install a chlorination tank at the reservoir tank. We also took time to visit nearby communities in search of a new project that the team will return to Perú in summer 2020 to assess. The team also will travel back to Pusunchás to ensure that the project is functioning properly and that the community has the resources and knowledge to maintain the water system once our partnership has ended.

Internship Year


Project Category

Water and Health


Engineers Without Borders (EWB), Princeton Chapter, Peru- Otuzco, Peru


Peter Jaffe, William L. Knapp ’47 Professor of Civil Engineering, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University; Corrie Kavanaugh, Technical Mentor, EWB; Josh Umansky, Technical Mentor, EWB