Prakhar Agarwal ’14


Operations Research and Financial Engineering

Project Title

Engineers without Borders, Huamanzaña

The overall goal of EWB-USA is to promote community-driven development programs through the design and implementation of sustainable engineering projects. This summer we traveled to Samne, La Libertad, Peru in order to collect data on potential development projects within the community and its surroundings with the objective of opening a new EWB-USA (Engineers Without Borders) program in the fall. We initially evaluated the possibility of implementing a waste management program (involving trash collection, recycling, and a landfill). We completed compositional and volumetric assessments of current trash sites. We also assessed other possibilities and ended up focusing on a potable water system because of community-driven support. This led to our testing the spring boxes and reservoirs that connect the main part of town along with the contaminated water of the Rio Moche, a source of “drinking” water. We built connections with local community members and NGOs and hope to open a new EWB 5-year program in Samne this year.

Internship Year


Project Category



Samne, La Libertad, Peru