Olivia Grah ’19



Project Title

Clean Energy Intern

I primarily worked on three projects for the clean-energy team at the Environmental Defense Fund (EDF) in New York City during the summer. I focused on energy issues affecting lowto- moderate income residents in New York City. I also examined the New York Public Service Commission’s initiative to improve the accuracy with which it values solar power injected into the electric grid. Finally, I studied the feasibility and potential scope of electric-vehicle use in New York City. I conducted internet research and produced a number of research reports and summaries for EDF employees. The summer provided me with insight into the operation of a large environmental nonprofit, with a special emphasis on the interface between nonprofits and partners in private and government sectors. Because of the internship, I have an increased interest in energy issues, and I am interested in exploring the intersection of energy and business.

Internship Year


Project Category

Alternative Energy


Environmental Defense Fund, New York City


Rory Christian, Director of New York Clean Energy, Environmental Defense Fund