Nicole Sato ’14


Chemical and Biological Engineering

Project Title

Crystallization of Small Molecules for Organic Electronic Devices

This summer, I studied the relationship between crystal structure and device performance in organic field effect transistors. I investigated a small carbon molecule, contorted hexabenzocoronene (HBC), and a few of its fluorinated derivatives for use in organic electronics. My project included two main questions: 1) How do different methods of annealing influence the crystal structure? and 2) how does the crystal structure affect the device performance? In order to research these questions, I learned how to perform several different spectroscopic techniques, which allowed me to study the properties of the different HBC structures. I also learned how to prepare, test and analyze transistors to measure the device performance. We were able to find several correlations between annealing methods, crystal structure and device performance. This internship allowed me to experience a university research environment; I now have a better understanding of the effort, frustration, but also the excitement, that comes along with any research project! This internship has provided me with experience for future academic research and has helped me decide which career path I will pursue.

Internship Year


Project Category

Climate and Energy


Princeton University, Loo Lab, USA


Lynn Loo, Professor, Chemical and Biological Engineering