Megan Leinenbach ’23


Ecology and Evolutionary Biology

Project Title

Plant Ecology and Ecosystem Health

Presentation Link

View Megan's Presentation

Certificate(s): Global Health and Health Policy

I worked through the Princeton Internships in Civic Service (PICS) program to build out the CompassLive website that the Southern Research Station communications team uses to post popular-science articles about the research and accomplishments of Forest Service scientists. My daily activities included reading new scientific publications, interviewing scientists, drafting and editing articles, and composing social media posts about publications. These tasks improved my ability to understand and translate science so that technical concepts and data can be understood by a general reader. This internship built skills that are essential in any communications-driven career beyond science writing, from entrepreneurship to health care. With these skills, I can now freely communicate with scientists and help them understand how their work applies to broader audiences.

Internship Year


Project Category

Biodiversity and Conservation


USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station


Timothy Bowden, Owner, Bowden Brothers LLC