Malachi Benjamin ’23



Project Title

US Architects Declare

Certificate(s): African American Studies

I worked with the finance committee of US Architects Declare researching grant opportunities for the organization. After deciding on four grants to pursue, I assisted in drafting proposals for each. Part of the work I did was assisting in a grant presentation for the Wilks Foundation. I also worked with the justice committee to conduct a literature review of 11 diversity and inclusion frameworks for architecture firms. From that research, I used the design program Adobe Illustrator to synthesize the information in a way that would be comprehensive and allow firms to make the most informed decisions when it came to implementing one of the frameworks. The ultimate goal of this project is to include this information in a guidebook for firms seeking to make their work environment more diverse and inclusive. While I worked with the justice group, I also set up and designed a Discord server for international communication and collaboration among global Architects Declare members.

Internship Year


Project Category

Urban Systems and Planning for a Sustainable Future


US Architects Declare


Alexandra (Xan) Lillehei, Fellow, US Architects Declare