Keo Chan ’18
How Stable Are Relationships Between Fishes and Ocean Climate in the California Current?
This project used recent historical data of fish populations to predict how these populations will react to climate change in the coming decades. It analyzed ~50 years of data taken in the California Pacific using MATLAB and R, using generalized additive models to fit trends to the fishes’ sensitivity to six environmental variables. The bulk of the work was coding and data analysis. I adapted and expanded on a previous intern’s work to analyze a larger number of fish species and attempt to find patterns in characteristics of fish species that increase their vulnerability to changes in ocean conditions. This project inspired me to take a closer look at the biological side of geoscience, especially related to fishery science and oceanography.
Climate Science
The Program in Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences (AOS), Princeton University, Princeton, NJ
Jorge Sarmiento, Professor, Geosciences