Kathleen Brite ’13



Project Title

I Vote Teach

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I interned with WAMATA, an AIDS homecare group; MAISHA, a newly-started microfinance team; and an English language teaching program to focus to the problem of foreign aid and the value of empowering citizens to change their circumstances. Originally, my internship was supposed to detail the public’s opinion of the change from socialism to capitalism, but in the end encompassed much more than political transition. I conducted interviews of many Tanzanians (from woodcarvers to business giants of AIDS prevention movements) about numerous topics including: their educational system; previous political regimes; past political leaders; current leaders; access to food; ; health standards and medical care; urban pollution; ; the role of women; their fears and hopes; and the overarching issue of the aftermath of socialist effects on a society trying to join the economic world in capitalism.I concluded that one can either give a country food, or teach a country to grow it. I vote teach.

Internship Year


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Kiswahili Department, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania


Mahiri Mwita, Lecturer in Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies