Josh T. Muketha ’10
Civil and Environmental Engineering
The Use of Agrobiodiversity to Manage Climate Change – Charting Experiences from Rural Communities and Indigenous Peoples
As stipulated in the terms of reference, my primary task during the course of the internship was, by making use of a variety of resources, gather and organize information related to agrobiodiversity as a provider of adaptation and mitigation strategies available to rural communities for meeting the challenges by global climate change. This was an activity of the Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research. As part of the Platform, I accomplished the following:”
- Created an online database of agrobiodiversity-based strategies employed by indigenous and rural communities in adapting to climate change.
- Actively participated in the management of the Platform’s blog and other discussion forums, encouraging dialogue among the Platform’s members and other stakeholders.
- Compiled a technical report for the International Workshop held by the Platform in Chiang Mai, Thailand on the use of agrobiodiversity by indigenous communities in adapting to climate change.
- Assisted in the creation of and contributed to a briefing paper for presentation by the Platform at the UNFCCC Bangkok Climate Change talks.
Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research Rome, Italy