Jacob Jackson ’14



Project Title

Communicating TerraCycle’s Message

Presentation Link

View Jacob's Presentation

During my internship at TerraCycle in Trenton, New Jersey, I was given the ­opportunity to work on several projects that dealt with the way TerraCycle communicated their core messages. As an introduction to the way that TerraCycle spread the message of ­environmental stewardship, I edited lesson plans that TerraCycle developed with the Cloud Institute for Sustainability Education by ensuring that each lesson plan was flushed out and was suitable for the intended ages. I also researched the ­environmental harms of mining for precious metals and gems in order to create the web pages and physical material for a recycling program for old jewelry. Finally, I helped lead an ­initiative to boost TerraCycle’s social media presence. Two other interns and I organized the rest of the interns to comment on blogs and to better utilize Twitter by finding interesting ­articles, blog posts, and other materials that members of the green community would find informative and enjoyable. Through these projects, I attained a greater understanding of how to utilize these various forms of communication, and I look forward to continuing to engage others about sustainability.

Internship Year


Project Category



TerraCycle, New Jersey


Richard Perl, TerraCycle