Hamza Mahmood ’20


Computer Science

Project Title

Financial, Electrical and Thermal Modeling of High-Rate Recharging Vehicles

I worked at Lightening Energy, a startup company that seeks to expand its high-rate recharging solutions to the commercial market. I had the opportunity to perform market research, develop business plans and presentations, and implement the beginning stages of a realworld algorithm. Much of the summer was dedicated to optimizing business models for industrial and aerospace applications. Thus, I learned about new financial principles and assisted with financial modeling of prospective business paths. In this manner, I was able to hone my research and analytical skills. Additionally, I was continuously exposed to businessmeeting protocols as interns met and discussed ideas with the CEO and product engineer manager. It was thrilling to gain insight into how a small startup functions. This internship has influenced me to take business classes, learn more about algorithms, and actively participate in the very important field of sustainability. Ultimately, I am happy the internship delivered more than what I expected.

Internship Year


Project Category

Alternative Energy


Lightening Energy, Dover, New Jersey


Eric Materniak, Program Manager and Engineer, Lightening Energy