Erin Redding ’19


Woodrow Wilson School

Project Title

Teaching Assistant for Conservation Clubs

Presentation Link

View Erin's Presentation

I taught at local conservation clubs in primary and secondary schools throughout Laikipia County, Kenya. As conservation-club interns, we developed interactive curricula for the after-school clubs that aimed to be both fun and informative. In addition, we helped plan Community Conservation Day, a day where all of the schools and surrounding community congregate in celebration of the environment to share what they learned in their conservation clubs. During my experience, I learned a lot about the ecology of Kenya and the effect of human environmental interactions. I thoroughly enjoyed getting to know my students and learn about the various tribal lifestyles in Kenya. While I may not become a biology teacher, this internship broadened my perspective of global, cultural and economic differences, which I can definitely apply to my major or future career in international policy.

* This internship is connected to the PEI Development Grand Challenges project, “Water, Savannas and Society.

Internship Year


Project Category

Biodiversity and Conservation


Mpala Research Centre, Kenya


Daniel Rubenstein, Class of 1877 Professor of Zoology and Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology