Daniel Trujillo ’23
Civil and Environmental Engineering
Monitoring and Assessment in Peru
Our team traveled to La Libertad, Peru, to complete the monitoring and evaluation phase of our project in Pusunchás and to begin the assessment phase of our new project in Carnachique. We aimed to close out the Pusunchás project by gauging community satisfaction with the construction of the gravity-fed potable water system. We did this through surveys and by completing a technical evaluation, walking through the system starting from the source captures through each of the distribution lines. During our assessment in Carnachique, we walked through the irrigation canals, taking notes on GPS data points in addition to qualitative features along the length of the 1.6 km system. We gained knowledge on this trip of the issues that the Carnachique community face and the reasons it is important to them that we complete this project. We also learned many technical details that are important for us to consider when we design the new system in Carnachique. Once the construction is complete, our team will travel to Peru one last time to ensure that the system is working properly; if it is, the team will find a new community with which to work. Overall, this experience has allowed us the opportunity to incorperate scientific research with our course work.
Water and the Environment
Engineers Without Borders (EWB), Princeton Chapter, Peru - Carnachique, Peru; Pusunchás, Peru
Sigrid Adriaenssens, Professor of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Princeton University; Scott Gregory, Program Engineer, EWB