Chloe Kim ’24
Broad-tailed Hummingbird Foraging Patterns and Climate Change
Certificate(s): Environmental Studies
I collected data on broad-tailed hummingbird feeding and wildflower availability to add to a long-term dataset maintained by the Stoddard Lab. My research partners and I identified flower species that hummingbirds are known to visit at the Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory and set camera traps on these flowers to record hummingbird visits. We also used this dataset to investigate whether changes in daily temperature affect hummingbird foraging patterns. The fieldwork component of this project taught me to be a careful observer and appreciator of my environment, and I also learnt the value of repetitive work and the importance of diligence and detail. This research experience has strengthened my data analysis skills and taught me to be critical and curious. I plan to continue conducting research at Princeton and am excited to work closely alongside other scientists who are passionate about the environment
* This internship is connected to the HMEI Climate and Energy Grand Challenges project, “Investigating the Effects of Climate Change on Hummingbird Sensory Landscapes.”
Biodiversity and Conservation
Stoddard Lab, Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Princeton University - Rocky Mountain Biological Laboratory, Gothic, Colorado
Mary C. Stoddard, Associate Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Benedict Hogan, Associate Research Scholar, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Audrey Miller, Ph.D. candidate, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology