Billy Doyle ’24


School of Public and International Affairs

Project Title

The Social-ecological Dynamics of the Harvest, Consumption and Trade of Aquatic Biodiversity in New York City

Certificate(s): German Language and Culture

I helped conduct a pilot study on the trade, harvest and consumption of marine wildlife caught within New York City waters. The project involved fieldwork at multiple sites around the city, interviews with a variety of experts in academia, activists and other professionals. I also performed a thorough literature search, drafted a report and presented my findings to a working group from a variety of organizations. Through this internship, I learned what research looks like at a professional level. I gained first-hand experience in conducting research, how to investigate and adapt to a project on a topic I knew little about and how to effectively communicate findings in a professional setting.

Internship Year


Project Category

Environment and Society and Urban Sustainability


High Meadows Environmental Institute, Princeton University; American Museum of Natural History; New York City Department of Parks and Recreation (NYC Parks) - New York City, New York; Princeton, New Jersey


Christian Rivera, Postdoctoral Research Associate, High Meadows Environmental Institute, Princeton University; Erin Betley, Biodiversity Specialist and Coordinator, American Museum of Natural History; Mary Blair, Director, Biodiversity Informatics Research, American Museum of Natural History; Neha Savant, Wildlife and Fisheries Ecologist, NYC Parks