Artemis Eyster ’19



Project Title

Teaching Assistant for Conservation Clubs

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During my time in Kenya, I taught at 12 different conservation clubs in the areas surrounding Mpala Research Centre in Laikipia County. I designed lesson plans that emphasized experiential learning to teach about resource conservation and ecosystem functioning. The clubs were created to foster an appreciation of the environment and an awareness of conservation issues among the youths who will become the region’s future livestock herders. Every day of the week, I taught at a different school, often adapting my lessons to the habitat of the schoolyard where I was teaching. In mid-July, I also helped to organize and run the annual community conservation day, when all the schools came together to share a presentation and display. My role in Kenya was to teach about noticing and valuing the local environment, but the incredible wildlife and diverse landscapes I encountered every day also taught me a deeper appreciation of the natural world.

Internship Year


Project Category



Mpala Research Centre, Kenya


Daniel Rubenstein, Professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology