
New Location: McCosh Hall, Princeton University

Sunday, May 7

2PM Registration
2:45PM Welcoming remarks
3PM Beginning of session 1: High wind speed and waves-sea-ice interactions

Session Chair: Luc Deike

  • Shuyi Chen (U. Washington). Atmosphere-Wave-Ocean Coupling and High-Impact Weather Prediction: Progress, Challenges, Ways Forward.
  • Benjamin Barr (U. Washington). Impacts of Seastate-Dependent Sea Spray Heat Fluxes on Hurricanes During Landfall Using Fully Coupled Atmosphere-Wave-Ocean Model Simulations
  • Jacob Davis. (U. Washington) Saturation of wave slopes observed during hurricanes
  • Jim Thomson. (APL/UW). Waves and sea ice measured with telecom cables at the Arctic coast
  • Anya Wolterman, (U. Wisconsin). Wave erosion of ice. Dimensional analysis and initial lab experiments.
5PM ice breaker (McCosh courtyard)


Monday, May 8

8:30AM Beginning of session 2: Wind-wave coupling (1/2)

Session Chair: Bia Villas Boas and Xiaohui Zhou

  • Meital Geva. (Tel-Aviv University). Turbulent boundary layer over young wind waves in the presence of water current.
  • Jan-Victor Björkqvist. (Norwegian Meteorological Institute). Modulation of surface waves: The effect of a vertically sheared current flow on air-sea drag.
  • Seth Zippel, (WHOI). Direct observation of wave-coherent pressure work in the atmospheric boundary layer.
  • Milan Curcic (U. Miami). Coastal Wave Growth and Air-Sea Flux in Forced Offshore and Onshore Flows from an Array of Spar Buoys.
9:50AM flash talks (Alberto Alberello, Hugh Roarty, Maria Fotia, Trygve Halsne, Ioannis Karmpadakis, Rotem Soffer)
10AM coffee break
10:30AM Beginning of session 3: Transport

Session Chair: Jiarong Wu and Jim Thomson

  • Lucia Baker. (U. Washington). Buoyant, non-spherical particles in turbulent wind-driven waves.
  • Michelle DiBenedetto. (U. Washington). Finite-size particle dynamics under surface waves.
  • Aidan Blaser. (Scripps/UCSD). The Lagrangian mean flow of monochromatic and broadband wave fields.
  • Frederic Dias (Dublin). The highwave project and breaking waves on boulder.
11:50AM flash talks (John Carter, Simen Å. Ellingsen, Francesco Barbariol, Krishanu Kumar, Mark Loveland, Hendrik Tolman)
12PM lunch (Carl A Fields center)
1:50PM flash talks (Alvise Benetazzo, Nathan Laxague, Hunter Boswell, Alexander Soloviev, Breanna Vanderplow, Carlos Villarreal)
2PM Beginning of session 4: Wind-wave coupling (2/2)

Session Chair: Meital Geva and Martin Erinin

  • Oshrat Klein. (Tel aviv U.) On the energetic classification of the coupled viscous shear flow instability. (remote)
  • Cesar Sauvage (WHOI) Impacts of surface waves on air-sea flux and marine boundary layer processes.
  • Peisan Tan, (U. Miami). On the wave-induced modulation of airflow velocity and pressure fluctuations.
  • Alejandro Cifuentes-Lorenzen, (U. Connecticut), Exploring the role of wave-driven turbulence at the air-sea interface through measurements of TKE dissipation rates.
  • Fabio Addona. (U. Delaware). Experimental observations of shoaling waves forced by wind.
3:45PM coffee break
4:15PM Beginning of session 5: Waves-current-turbulence

Session Chair: Jessica Meixner and Seth Zippel

  • Simen Å. Ellingsen. (Norwegian University of Science and Technology). Experiments on wave-turbulence interactions.
  • Bia Villas Boas. (Colorado School of Mines). Observations and modeling of wave-current interactions at meso and submesoscales
  • Victor Shrira. (Keele University). How does wave field evolution drive ocean currents
  • Øyvind Breivik. (MET Norway & University of Bergen). Sailing the Agulhas current – a wave drifter’s perspective.
  • Alexander Babanin. (The University of Melbourne). Ocean Swell, How Much Do We Know (remote)
6PM end of day


Tuesday, May 9

8:30AM Beginning of session 6: Improving models used for operational forecasting

Session Chair: Simen Ellingsen and Aditya Aiyer

  • Christie Hegermiller (SOFAR). Impact of atmospheric stability on a global operational wave forecast.
  • Jessica Meixner. (NOAA). Wave Component Updates for the future GFSv17
  • Thomas Adcock. (Oxford). The influence of curtailing the wave spectrum when generating random waves. (remote)
  • Matias Alday, Fabrice Ardhuin. (Univ. Brest, Ifremer). On consistent parameterizations for both dominant wind-waves and spectral tail directionality (remote)
  • Isabel Houghton (SOFAR). Ensemble-Based Data Assimilation of Sofar Spotters and Satellite Altimeters with a Global Operational Wave Model.
10:15AM coffee break
10:45AM Beginning of session 7: Wave breaking: dynamics and statistics (1/2 sessions)

Session Chair: Wouter Mostert and Michelle DiBenedetto

  • Lindsay Hogan (Columbia University). Observations of Breaking-Wave Dissipation and Their Relationship to Atmosphere-Ocean Energy Transfer.
  • Jiarong Wu, (Princeton University). Statistics of breaking wave fields with a multi-layer numerical framework.
  • Maria Bjørnestad, (Norwegian Meteorological Institute, Bergen) Parameterizations of whitecap coverage from a large data set of offshore camera measurements.
  • Bernard Akaawase, (U. Connecticut). Directional breaking kinematics observations from 3D stereo reconstruction of ocean waves.
  • Susanne Støle-Hentschel (ENS Paris Saclay). Wave breaking observations by coherent radars. (remote)
12:30PM lunch (Carl A Fields center)
2PM Beginning of session 8: Methods in Field Observation

Session Chair: Mark McAllister and Alvise Benetazzo

  • Filippo Bergamasco (University of Venice). Field-testing Wave-Buoy Motion via 3D Optical Tracking.
  • Ben Timmermans. (NOC, UK). Sea State Uncertainty From a Triple Collocation Analysis of Observations During the Sentinel-6 Michael Freilich – Jason-3 Tandem Phase Experiment.
  • Yaron Toledo. (Tel Aviv University) HF-radar remote sensing of ocean surface current shear using first order Bragg peaks. (remote)
  • Luke Colosi. (Scripps/UCSD). Observations of Surface Gravity Wave Spectra from Moving Platforms
  • Noam Ginio. (Technion). Efficient machine learning method for spatio-temporal water surface waves reconstruction from polarimetric images.
3:45PM coffee break
4PM Beginning of poster session (Carl A Fields center)
6PM Dinner in Palmer House


Wednesday, May 10

8:30AM Beginning of session 9: Wave breaking and air-sea fluxes (2/2 sessions)

Session Chair: Leonel Romero

  • Martin Erinin (Princeton University). The Effect of Surfactants on a Plunging Breaker.
  • Chang Liu (U. Maryland). The effect of surfactants on droplet generation in a plunging breaker.
  • Megan Mazzatenta (Princeton University). Sea spray drops and aerosol particles generated by collective bubble bursting in laboratory experiments.
  • Mark McAllister (University of Oxford). The influence of spectral bandwidth and shape on deep-water wave breaking onset
  • Xiaohui Zhou. (Princeton University). Revisited Sea state dependent gas transfer velocity
10:15AM coffee break
10:45AM Beginning of session 10: Swell, rogue waves and other things

Session Chair: Oyvind Breivik

  • Sagi Knobler (Technion). Crest-Trough Asymmetry and Rogue Waves (remote)
  • Marine De Carlo. (Univ. Brest, Ifremer). Wave groups signature in small scale nadir wave height variability evidenced by CFOSAT and WW3® model (remote)
  • Aditya Aiyer. (Princeton University). Modeling the effect of swell on near-surface turbulence with applications for wall- modeled Large Eddy Simulations
  • Erik Rogers. (Naval Research Laboratory). Ocean Waves and ambient noise.
  • Luigi Cavaleri. (ISMAR-CNR Venice). The earliest stages of time limited wind wave generation in the open sea
12:30PM adjourn the meeting